Welcome to Water.
Swim Program to Give Your Baby the Best Start on Their Swimming Journey!
Welcome to Water gives your child the best possible start on their swimming journey. This course is a safe, healthy and gentle way to introduce the magic of water to your child.
What is Welcome to Water
We educate new and expecting parents on how to provide a force-free introduction to swimming to their infant. This education starts at home, with our free online course teaching the basics of infant swimming and how to get a start on your swimming journey in the bath.
FREE PROGRAM: Available for carers and infants 3-6 months old. It is a program that meets once a week for 5 weeks. It is a force-free no submersion swim program. Our instructors are trained to teach this force-free philosophy and provide instruction to ensure that all babies receive a Welcome to Water with love.
10-Week PROGRAM: For ages 4 months - 36 months, following the philosphies of force-free submersion our instructors will start to build your child’s swimming skills, comfort and safety in the water. It is amazing what can be accomplished by coming to the pool once a week while bonding with your baby and toddler. Amazing developmental strides are happening - why not develop those swim skills as well!
“Great experience taking baby in the water for the first time. Gently introducing them to the water & making it fun! Great instructors, we are confident in their knowledge and experience.”