Get Out The Vote
Welcome to our GOTV (Get Out the Vote) initiative! As we approach the November elections, we're committed to providing you with all the information you need to make your voice heard. Dive into our weekly updates and tips right here on our website to ensure you’re fully prepared for the big day. Your voice is powerful —let's make it count together!
Welcome to your GOTV Voter Guide!
With the general election approaching on November 5th, we’re here to help you get ready! This guide covers everything you need to know about voting requirements and ensures you're fully prepared to cast your vote. We’re committed to making your voting experience smooth and stress-free. Let’s make sure your voice is heard in this important election and elections beyond!
How To Register To Vote
Online or in person at the DMV:
Existing N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles (NCDMV) customers may submit an online voter registration application.
By mail:
Fill out the appropriate form and submit it by mail:
For More Information:
Voter Registration Deadline
The deadline to register to vote in North Carolina for the 2024 general election is 5 p.m. Friday, Oct. 11, 2024. *
If you do not have time to register in your new state before a presidential primary or general election, your old state must allow you to vote in person or by absentee ballot. After that, you will need to register in and begin voting in your new state.
Do I need to re-register?
Check your voter registration status by scanning the QR code!
Select “voter registration status”
Select your state
Enter in your information to see if you are registered
Your name and address have not changed and you are an active voter.
You have moved within your state or changed your name. Update your voter registration with your new location or your new name. Make sure you also update your state driver's license or state ID card before the election, if that is the voter ID you will use.
You have moved permanently to another state. Register to vote in the new state.
To vote in North Carolina, you must show a voter ID! Most people will show their state issued driver’s license, but there are other forms of ID that will be accepted!
Voter ID Information
Any registered voter can get a free photo ID from their county board of elections.
*You must be registered to get a Voter ID from Board of Elections
*Find your county’s Board of Elections address on the right
Any NC resident can get a free non-driver’s ID card from the NCDMV.
Find more information under “No-Fee ID Cards” | https://bit.ly/NCDMVStateID
Acceptable Voter IDs
Any of the following that is unexpired, or expired for one year or less:
North Carolina driver’s license
State ID from the NCDMV (also called “non-operator ID”)
Driver’s license or non-driver ID from another state, District of Columbia, or U.S. territory (only if voter registered in North Carolina within 90 days of the election)
U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport card
North Carolina voter photo ID card issued by a county board of elections
College or university student ID approved by the State Board of Elections (https://bit.ly/approvedstudentID)
State or local government or charter school employee ID approved by the State Board of Elections (https://bit.ly/approvedstudentID)
Any of the following, regardless of whether the ID contains an expiration or issuance date:
Military or veterans ID card (with photo) issued by the U.S. government
Tribal enrollment card (with photo) issued by a tribe recognized by the State of North Carolina or the federal government. (https://bit.ly/tribalvoterID)
ID card (with photo) issued by an agency of the U.S. government or the State of North Carolina for a public assistance program (Note: Although this is an acceptable form of ID under North Carolina law, the State Board is not aware of any such ID in circulation that contains a photo. All IDs for voting are required to have a photo.)
How To Verify Your Polling Location
To find your accurate polling place, you must be registered to vote!
Polling places will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Election Day. Any voter in line at their assigned polling place at 7:30 p.m. will be able to vote.
It is easy to find your polling location! Visit this link to find your location by your address or precinct!
You can also search for your polling place when checking your registration status! If you've moved and need to re-register, be sure to find your new polling location.
For more information on polling locations, visit your county’s Board of Elections website!